Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Army Reserve Sergeant First Class Dan H. Gabrielson - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation - Afghanistan/Iraq

26 July 2011

Army Reserve Sergeant First Class Dan H. Gabrielson - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation - Afghanistan/Iraq

This entry was posted on 7/26/2011 1:30 AM and is filed under Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation.

    Army Rerserve Sergeant First Class Dan Henry Gabrielson, 40, Frederic, Wisconsin, was killed on Wednesday, July 9, 2003, in Baquba, Iraq. His convoy came under hostile fire and attack. Baquba is about 45 miles northeast of Baghdad. Gabrielson was a 22 year veteran of the Army Reserve. He was in the Army Reserve's 652nd Engineer Company based out of Ellsworth, Wisconsin. 

    The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said Gabrielson was a specialist in repairing construction equipment. He worked as a mechanic and machinist in the unit's motor pool and was in charge of bridge building equipment. Gabrielson had taken over the role of platoon sergeant for his unit and was studying to become a warrant officer. He was promoted from staff sergeant to sergeant first class after his bridge building unit was sent to Iraq. The Journal Sentinel also mentioned the 652nd shipped out to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, on February 13, 2003, and was sent overseas by April of 2003. The unit had 179 members activated for the war. The Journal Sentinel went on to say that In civilian life Dan was a CNC machining programmer for Nexen a manufacturer of industrial clutches and brakes. He joined Nexen Group, previously called Horton Manufacturing, not long after graduating from technical school. Frederic, Wisconsin, is a small town of 1200 located about 75 miles northwest of Eau Claire. 

    A Minnesota Public Radio article notes Dan Gabrielson was laid to rest in Spooner, Wisconsin, where his parents lived and where he grew up. Some of his military awards and medals include: The Bronze Star; Army Commendation medal; Meritorious Service medal; and, the Purple Heart. Gabrielson's nephew Specialist Scott Parker was also serving in his platoon. 

    A Baltimore Sun article said Dan had met his wife while still in high school. They had lived in Frederic for many years. The story went on to say, "He was a deer hunter, collected Remington Model 600 rifles, and was active in 4-H with his children." The impetus of the article from the Maryland paper was to gain some understanding of how one local soldier's death impacted a small town; and, at the time it was thought the Iraq War was generally over. Sergeant First Class Dan H. Gabrielson was the first military reservist from the state of Wisconsin, and the third military service person from the state to be killed in Iraq. The war was still only a few months old; although at the time, Saddam Hussein was still yet to be found, President George W. Bush declared major combat operations over with on May 1, 2003, just shortly before Gabrielson's death. The town of Frederic, friends, and family were taken by surprise by the continuation of hostilities and Dan's death. 

    Wisconsin 2003 Assembly Joint Resolution 48 says Dan was born on September 24, 1962. At the time of his death Army Reserve Sergeant First Class Dan Gabrielson was survived by: his wife Peggy Gabrielson; his son Dustin; two daughters, Audra, and Vanessa; and, his parents Henry and Ella Gabrielson.

Information for this short biography about Army Reserve Sergeant First Class Dan Henry Gabrielson was pieced together from the following sources: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "State Army reservist killed in ambush on convoy in Iraq," July 11, 2003; news.minnesota.publicradio.org, "Wisconsin soldier laid to rest," July 23, 2003; Wisconsin 2003 Assembly Joint Resolution 48, "Relating to: the life of Sergeant First Class Dan Henry Gabrielson," September 29, 2003;  baltimoresun.com, "Wisconsin town awakens to reality of Iraq," July 17, 2003;  Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs "Fallen Heroes Page";  and, CNN.com "War Casualties Page." 

Note: This "Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation" Daily Dadio blog Category is under construction. Go to the Cooldadiomedia Web site and the Wisconsin War Casualties Page for a list of names noted by date of death. 
[ If readers know of other military service persons with Wisconsin connections that are not on the Web site comprehensive list of fatal casualties, or notice errors, please email Bob Keith at keithrg13@cooldadiomedia.com ]

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Army Major Mathew E. Schram - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation - Afghanistan/Iraq

19 July 2011

Army Major Mathew E. Schram - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation - Afghanistan/Iraq

This entry was posted on 7/19/2011 1:30 AM and is filed under Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation.

     Army Major Mathew Earl Schram, 36, Brookfield, Wisconsin, was killed in Haditha, Iraq, on Monday, May 26, 2003. Major Schram was attached to Headquarters Troop, Support Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, out of Fort Carson, Colorado. Haditha is around 100 miles northwest of Baghdad. He was in a resupply convoy which came under enemy attack via rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns. Mathew was a native of Brookfield, Wisconsin, and born on January 25, 1967. He graduated from Brookfield Central High School in 1985. Mathew had played football and tennis in school. He also was a runner and played guitar. 

     The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel mentioned that Schram was in ROTC while at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater before joining the Army in 1989. He graduated from UW-Whitewater in 1990 with a degree in political science. Schram was a veteran of the first Gulf War in Kuwait 12 years prior to his death. He was also a veteran of America's mission in Somalia, as well as serving two tours in Croatia. The Journal Sentinel went on to say people that knew Schram said he had a long interest in the military. His father had served in the Korean War. Schram received his master's degree in organizational management in 2002 during his assignment to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 

     At the time of his death Army Major Mathew Schram was survived by his father Earl; brothers, David, Phil, and Bob; sisters Carol Barr and Sue Kuske; stepmother Audrey; and, eight nieces and nephews. His mother Sarah Schram died of cancer in 1991. 

     Information for this short biography about Army Major Mathew Earl Schram was pieced together from the following sources: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Soldier's ideal never wavered," May 28, 2003;  findagrave.com, ""Maj Mathew Earl "Schrambo" Schram""; 2003 Wisconsin Assembly Joint Resolution 36, "Relating to: the life and military service of Major Mathew E. Schram," May 29, 2003; Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs "Fallen Heroes Page"; and, CNN.com "War Casualties Page." 

Note: This "Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation" Daily Dadio blog Category is under construction. Go to the Cooldadiomedia Web site and the Wisconsin War Casualties Page for a list of names noted by date of death. 
[ If readers know of other military service persons with Wisconsin connections that are not on the Web site comprehensive list of fatal casualties, or notice errors, please email Bob Keith at keithrg13@cooldadiomedia.com ]

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Marine Corps Sergeant Kirk A. Straseskie - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation Afghanistan / Iraq

12 July 2011

Marine Corps Sergeant Kirk A. Straseskie - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation Afghanistan / Iraq

     Marine Sergeant Kirk Allen Straseskie, 23, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin died near Hilla, Iraq on Monday, May 19, 2003.  He died while participating in the rescue of the crew of a CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter that crashed in Shat al-Hillah canal. Four Marines on the helicopter also died. Sergeant Straseskie was assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division based out of Camp Pendleton, California.  Hilla is about 60 miles south of Baghdad. 

     Wisconsin Assembly 2003 Joint Resolution 23 notes that Kirk Allen Straseskie was born on November 19, 1979, in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel mentioned Kirk graduated from Beaver Dam High School in 1998. During his school years he played linebacker on the football team, wrestled, and ran the 400 meters in track.  He was also remembered as enjoying playing the violin. Straseskie also had volunteered with disabled children. He joined the Marines after high school. 

     The Journal Sentinel went on to say Kirk Strasekie was the youngest of four sons in his family.  Kirk's father had served with the Army National Guard for 26 years and retired as a first sergeant. His grandfather was in the Army during World War II. Strasekie's next older brother was in the Army National Guard as a lieutenant and was also in Iraq.  Kirk's mother had died a few years before his death in Iraq. 

     Family is quoted as mentioning Kirk had considered a career in law enforcement. The Journal Sentinel also mentioned Kirk had been pictured in an April, 2003 Los Angeles Times story about American troops stationed in post-invasion Iraq.  

At the time of his death Kirk Straseskie was survived by his father and stepmother John and Barbara Strasekie; brothers John Jr., Christopher, and Ryan; maternal grandparents Ken and Janice Helmer; paternal grandmother Yvonne Straseske; and, his fiancee Kate Klossner. He was preceeded in death by his mother Dianna Straseskie.

     Marine Sergeant Kirk Straseskie was the first Wisconsin military service person to be killed in the Iraq War since it began in March of 2003.  

     Information for this short biography of Kirk A. Straseskie was pieced together from information from the following sources: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "A Native Son Lost in Iraq," May 21, 2003;  iraq.pigstye.net, "Sgt Kirk Allen Straseskie," Posted May 29, 2003;   leatherneck.com, "Marine 'died as he lived'" via Post-Crescent information;  chippewa.com, "Wisconsin Marine drowns in Iraq rescue attempt," May 21, 2003;  legacy.com, "kirk-allen-straseskie";  2003 Wisconsin Assembly Joint Resolution 34, "Relating to: the life of Marine Sergeant Kirk Allen Straseskie," May 28, 2003; Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs "Fallen Heroes Page"; and, CNN.com "War Casualties Page."   

Note: This "Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation" Daily Dadio blog Category is under construction. Go to the Cooldadiomedia Web site and the Wisconsin War Casualties Page for a list of names noted by date of death. 
[ If readers know of other military service persons with Wisconsin connections that are not on the Web site comprehensive list of fatal casualties, or notice errors, please email Bob Keith at keithrg13@cooldadiomedia.com ]

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Army Lieutenant Colonel Dennis M. Johnson - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation - September 11, 2001 Attack

5 July 2011

Army Lieutenant Colonel Dennis M. Johnson - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation - September 11, 2001 Attack

This entry was posted on 7/5/2011 1:30 AM and is filed under Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation.

Army Lieutenant Colonel Dennis Michael Johnson, 48, of Port Edwards, Wisconsin, died Tuesday, September 11, 2001. He was killed when hijacked American Airlines flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon during the September 11 terrorist attacks. Johnson was assigned to the Army staff at the Pentagon. Lieutenant Colonel Johnson was an Adjutant General Corps Officer. He was on his second tour at the Pentagon, with his most recent assignment being the Chief of Personnel Services. 

Dennis Johnson was a native of Port Edwards, Wisconsin. He was born April 1, 1953. Port Edwards is a town with adjacent Village of Port Edwards with a combined population of around 3500. They are located near the center of the state along the Wisconsin River just south of the city of Wisconsin Rapids. Johnson graduated from John Edwards High School, Port Edwards, Wisconsin in 1971. He began his military training in the ROTC program at the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, Wisconsin. He graduated there in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. Johnson was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Adjutant General Corps in December of 1975. 

Among Johnson's earlier career assignments were tours of duty at Fort Knox, Kentucky; then, Mainz, Germany. He received training in Military Club Management and served as the Area Club Manager at his duty station in Germany. In the mid 1980s he attended Florida International University in Miami, Florida, graduating with a Master’s degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. 

He spent assignments at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, and there also served as the Installation Club Manager, and later as the Chief of Personnel for Headquarters Company. In August 1988 he was assigned to Fort Richardson, Alaska, to head the Command for 203rd Personnel Service Company. 

After Alaska, Johnson attended the Command and General Staff College as a staff leader at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. After a year there he was assignment to the Pentagon in 1991 as a Program Budget Officer; later, as the Executive Officer to the Director of Operations and Support for the Army Budget Office. 

After the first Pentagon tour he was sent to Wheeler Army Air Force Base on Oahu, Hawaii, as the Chief Resource Management Officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency, Pacific. His next orders brought him to Alexandria, Virginia, in 1998 where he worked at ATEC/OPTEC in the Operational Test and Evaluation Command as the Deputy Chief of Staff-Personnel. In May of 2000 Johnson accepted what was to become his last assignment and it was as the Chief of Personnel Services for the Deputy Chief of Staff at the Pentagon. 
Lieutenant Colonel Johnson was remembered as a loyal and dedicated soldier. Co-workers said he treated people in his department like family and made it a point to speak with people as often as possible. 

Johnson met his wife Joyce in college in 1973 and they married in 1979. He is remembered as an honest, loving husband and father. 

Lieutenant Colonel Johnson’s military awards and decorations include: Legion of Merit (with Oak Leaf Cluster); Purple Heart; Defense Meritorious Service Medal; Meritorious Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster); Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Armed Forces Reserve Medal; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon (3rd award); Joint Meritorious Unit Award (with Oak Leaf Cluster); Army Superior Unit Award; and, the Army Staff Badge. 

At the time of his death Army Lieutenant Colonel Dennis Johnson was survived by his wife, Joyce; two children, Dawn and Cassie; parents, Bob and Elva Johnson; and, his three younger siblings, Diane Czlapinski, Richard Johnson, and Gail Lindner. 

On September 29, 2001, Army Lieutenant Colonel Dennis Johnson received full military honors and was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.

Information for this short biography about Army Lieutenant Colonel Dennis Michael Johnson was pieced together from the following sources: penagonmemorial.org, "LTC Dennis M. Johnson";  Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs, "Fallen Heroes Page";  and, CNN.com, "War Casualties Page." 

Note: This "Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation" Daily Dadio blog Category is under construction. Go to the Cooldadiomedia Web site and the Wisconsin War Casualties Page for a list of names noted by date of death.
[ If readers know of other military service persons with Wisconsin connections that are not on the Web site comprehensive list of fatal casualties, or notice errors, please email Bob Keith at keithrg13@cooldadiomedia.com ]