Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tired Wisconsin perennial job rhetoric monotone

John Torinus has been pontificating from on high for years about the Wisconsin economy; he has positioned himself as an apologist for said economy; and, even acts as a facilitator of a rotten Wisconsin economy. Been doing it for years..., and, mostly in an impotent, monotone. He seems to have a free pass on media portals.  Be that as it may, several years ago I commented on one of his essays found on  It was during the collapse of our economy in the "Great Recession." It must have been around 2009 or so..., long after the real start of the economic decline for most of us. He was prattling on about retraining workers bla..., bla..., blaa..., or some such similar myth that would surely fix the wrecked economy.  I responded that no amount of retraining will fix the phenomena of America discarding its 50 year old seasoned workers for new cheap frontiers in China.

Torinus replied, "Let's talk."  He never recontacted me.  

John Torinus is still at it.  Like Rush Limbaugh, who you can tune into anytime and hear hints of the same rant he had decades ago, Torinus too, just keeps shoveling the same theme over time. His latest masterpiece: " Enough with campaign bickering on job creation . "

In his latest banal offering, he meanders on about Governor Walker's hapless 250,000 job pledge and candidate Mary Burke's tactic of sniping at it. He talks about how job repair is a long term effort and beyond just promises and sniping about them. He then goes on to casually quote the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) which discusses how sending jobs to China may just have been a failure regarding our economy.  Disturbing, considering his own company sent jobs to China over the long term.  And, Walker's effort has been abysmal, and Burke's own company sent jobs to China.  Seeing a pattern here?  

The above trifecta ain't fix'n jack. 

Torinus talks about how Wisconsin is 37th in job growth like it is new news. It is a bleak reality that us who are languishing in the underclass, gave up on a couple years ago. 

In a follow up comment, he calls for talking up our eclectic Wisconsin weather to say:

      "My own view is that we can keep a good percentage of the young hot shots [in other words snow boarders] if there are great jobs here. [but John, you sent your great jobs to China] Most people move for careers, not the place. Look at the people flocking to North Dakota for energy jobs." [John..., the beleaguered souls flocking to North Dakota are..., desperate folks, hoping for one last chance.]

The above diatribe relates back to my complaint about Torinus years ago - he is singing the praises of young hot shots while discarding seasoned older Wisconsin workers - hypocrite. 

Torinus calls for action and the creation of committees to fix Wisconsin rather than Gubernatorial campaign bickering.

Unable to resist jabbing ol' Torinus in the literary eye, I wrote him a comment: 

       "Moving a giant segment of our economy overseas, fighting perennial wars, and twice and possibly trice electing the most contentious Governor in decades, has destroyed an entire layer of Wisconsin life, culture, and its people / workers. I find your casual chit-chat about it disturbing at best. There is an entire sub-culture in Wisconsin that lives the truth. To this huge sub-group, health care (sick people) is our number one industry now. The export of our children after graduation (education) to better states and countries for work, is our second industry. Our third dominant industry is fast food and alcohol (over-weight people and drunks). And the fourth estate is the economy of government supplemental income (child support, food stamps, unemployment, disability, and social security). Wafting through it all for years has been non-benefit, service industry, part-time work, for said huge sub-culture. You guys can pontificate from on high, but to many of us locked in this hell now probably for the rest of our lives, your words are hollow. I would not move a company or risk moving to a state for a job with such a long-term institutionalized bleak timbre and economic template."

I am sure ol' John does not lose a minute of sleep regarding his apologist role now nor back when I called him out five years ago...,and if history repeats itself as it always does..., five years from now..., Torinus will still be merrily singing the same tired tune. 

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