Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic show Thirty-eight 22 July 2014

Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic

          Dadio                                           Donald

           - The Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic, along with the Janesville Community Radio project has been invited to broadcast from the Rock County, Wisconsin, Rock County 4-H Fair.  Find the Radio Clinic at Jaysen Jorgensen's State Farm Insurance FaceBook ) tent.  The Lunch Bucket will be on site from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
          - It's another live on remote radio clinic for Lunch Bucket.  Check'm out at the Fair.  Lots of distractions, lots of background noise, lots of peril, lots of challenges.  
          -  Quite a list of folks who scrambled to make broadcasting from the Fair a reality - tune in the pod cast and get who skinny on the experience.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Been thinking about the schizophrenia of FaceBook

Been thinking about the schizophrenia of FaceBook.  Recently I have become involved in a media venture (project if you will) that is using FaceBook as a main source of its in-house communication.  My interest is not in the choice of communication vehicles selected by said media project.  Instead, my attention is on the vast information vortex itself, and most of the World now uses, one "social media" portal, we all know as the aforementioned..., FaceBook. 

There it is in a not so tidy package: All your pictures; pod-casts; messages; chit-chat; rants; "selfies" and...., more rants.  FaceBook haphazardly throws your precious intellectual postings in some tired categories.  You can find your historical activities on the portal in a button well hidden from your main work screen.  What ever you post, more often than not quickly falls to the depths of the bottomless pit, an ongoing pile of postings from all your pals and not so pals.  It's down below the bottom side of the screen somewhere now - irrelavant in seconds as new junk appears from you and your posse ad nauseam.

I remember MySpace. The precursor of FaceBook.  It at least had more of an organized blog format. FaceBook on the other hand is just a cluttered junk room.

And too, I remember the angst when even before MySpace, blogging started on various Internet locations.  Media types said the legitimate news culture was coming to an end. And for the most part it has disintegrated.  I wonder what they think of the  worthiness of FaceBook? Now what is left of the "real news" often relies on those blogs and blog type sites, they once hated as news delivery devices. 

FaceBook is really just people talking about themselves, taking pictures of themselves, often talking to thin air. "Hey look at me, I just had my appendix taken out, I took a pic in the operating room."  

"Social Media" is such an Orwellian obfuscation.  FaceBook is anything but social.  It is a drunken buzz of constant bullshit, similar to what might be heard in a sports bar during happy hour. In a minute, the drunken patrons are on to yet  another conversation they will never remember. 

People bury their head is FaceBook all day on their phones. Primarily, because new banal information pops up constantly and old postings vanish below that screen forever lost in a pile of self indulgent crap.

hether intentional or serendipitous to Mark Zuckerberg, millions of people have their pie-holes glued to his portal masterpiece all day and night.  There is  always another "something" to check.

he infamous "Friends" phenomena; oh boy. When an old classmate or acquaintance pops up a "Friends Request," we usually "Accept."  But soon the reality sinks in that all this hype of reconnecting with ancient personal history just reminds me of why I left behind these people in my distant past and at some point had hoped I would never meet again. 

FaceBook - Narcissism meets voyeurism meets vicariousness meets obsessiveness meets envy meets relentlessly busy annoyances.

I wonder what information technology gem will belch to the surface and replace FaceBook? You know it's a'com'n. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic show Thirty-seven 15 July 2014

Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic

          Dadio                                           Donald

- Show 37 pod cast Tuesday, 15 July 2014

- And yet again and for the sixth week in a row, we broadcast from Jeff's Coffee Bar which is on the West side of Janesville, Wisconsin. Great chow, great place..., join us. 

 - The Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic will be at the Rock County Fair, in Janesville, Wisconsin, next Tuesday from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Find us at the Jaysen Jorgensen State Farm Insurance tent.  Find a Janesville Community Radio table at the State Farm tent for the whole duration of the Fair. Suppose to be by the "Rabbit Barn." 

-  A couple weeks ago the whole show Dadio held up the broken tripod mic stand by holing onto the microphone like his shlong. Nothing but peripheral noise in the background. 

 - Tallest water slide in world not in Dubai, but in..., Kansas?  Who the hell wants to go to Kansas?

- Song of the day segment

-  "We do what we are told (Milgram's 37)" by Peter Gabriallu

-  A little chit-chat about the odious Stanley Milgram "Obedience to Authority Experiments" from the early '60s

-  College students should know about Milgram; if not, we will find you and..., electric shock you

-  37 of the 40 dupes in the experiments, went to the limit while electric shocking  another person after the latter's wrong answers. The shocks are on the instructions of a guy whose only official capacity is the wearing of a lab coat. The shocks weren't real.  The dupes did not know that though. 

- "Prattle" means talking while doing a presentation such as cooking.  Hard as hell to do 

- Janesville's Yuri Rashkin pops in the show - Chief cook and bottle washer from the Janesville Community Radio (JCR) project

- Dadio plucks Yuri's brain about: Singing while playing piano; Women living longer than men; Wisconsin family names; interpreting Russian for the court system; Toastmasters; and, (JCR) at the Rock County 4-H Fair all next week. 

- Yuri Rashkin also weighs in on: The Lunch Bucket at Fair on Tuesday next Tuesday the 22nd at 3:00 p.m.; (JCR) Friday Night Story-telling August 1st at Little Bean Coffee in Janesville; telling a story standing vs sitting; our county fair is right in the middle of residential near east side of Janesville; and, Discover Janesville radio show.

- Yuri and Dadio arm wrestle as to who to support for Wisconsin State Senate District 15. 

- The hosts of Public Radio's, "A Way with Words" are a bit perky for Dadio's like'n 

- Word / Phrase segment

- "Discourse Particle"

- Umms and ahhs to hold your place in a conversation

- Only has become an annoyance in the last hundred years with recordings

- You are actually more believable if you use discourse particles

- Dadio had another bar-time faux pas - red-handed and left-haired

- Russia has a perennial Christmas movie in the spirit of "It's a Wonderful Life"

- Some drunk guys forget who's turn it is to go to Leningrad - romance ensues

- Youth revolt against Russian parents - "not" smoking

- Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic fourth quarter

- A week ago or so, the Chicago White Sox baseball team hold an impromptu Klan rally with cheap Chinese rain ponchos with pointy hoods - WTF?

- Not the first White Sox dubious fan promotion. In 1979, radio shock jock Steve Dahl hosted Disco Demolition night. As Dahl started blowing up his hated disco records on the field, fans went crazy and charged onto said field tearing up the diamond turf; the stadium was filled with smoke and fire; and, the game was "called." The Sox had to forfeit the game to the Detroit Tigers.

- Man writes book about safely running with bulls..., gored by..., mad bull

- Dadio angers German World Cup soccer fans when he asks..., "How'd that tak'n over the world thing ever work out?" 

- Russian soccer fans mad at their team for not suffering enough

-  Dadio remembers the Uruguay rugby team that had to eat each other to survive after a plane crash in the Andes Mountains in 1972 - now that is a suffer'n sports team!

- NASA admits the International Space Station smells like a musty basement with litter boxes

​- But, there are six dudes up there now from Russia, USA, and Germany - sounds like a fraternity dorm - apparently smells like one too

Monday, July 14, 2014

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jacob Alexander Meinert - Wisconsin Military Casualty Compilation - Afghanistan / Iraq

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jacob Alexander Meinert, 20, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin died on Sunday, January 10th, 2010 in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Meinert was killed from injuries received the day before, when a roadside bomb was detonated near his position during combat operations. Lance Corporal Meinert was a radio telephone operator assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, out of Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.  He served in Iraq from August 2008 to March 2009 and had been in Afghanistan since late 2009.

The Wisconsin State Journal notes that Meinert was born in Racine, Wisconsin. He moved to Fort Atkinson around 2004. Jacob was remembered as being quiet, having a sence of humor, being a leader, and being well liked. He was a music enthusiast. He also liked to fish. Jacob graduated from Fort Atkinson High School in January 2007; he played lead trombone in the jazz band, was in the marching band, the pep band, and show choir accompanying combo. He started the enlistment process into the Mairne Corps after finishing high school a semester early.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel mentioned that Jacob was also a member of the school chess club.  Another Marine and British jounalist Rupert Hamer of the Sunday Mirror was also killed in the incident that killed Meinert. They were near the town of Nawa.  The Journal Sentinel in a follow up article noted Jacob's fellow Marines had given him the nickname "Slim." He also played guitar, earned a Black Belt in tae kwon do. "Meinert spent a lot of time with his grandparents in Racine, where he loved to swim and sail on Lake Michigan." Meinert was said to have had a plan to go to college and return to the Marines as an officer. 

The Journal Times maintain Meinert had stepped on a landmine.  In the Lake Michigan city of Racine Jacob was remembered for his love of sailing. One of his grandfathers had also been a Marine.

The Daily Jefferson County Union notes Meinert was known as "Jake."  The Union said the incident that killed Lance Corporal Meinert was due to a landmine and in Bastion Afghanistan. He was said to have had a long interest in the military. His grandfather Richard Meinert had also served in the Marines.

The Website legacy.com posted an obituary via information from the Racine Jouranl Times noting Jacob was born June 24, 1989, in Racine, Wisconsin. He attended Red Apple Elementary School and Jerstad-Agerholm Middle School in Racine. He later moved to Fort Atkinson where he graduated from high school. 

Lance Corporal Meinert's military awards include: The Purple Heart; National Defense Service medal; Global War on Terrorism Service medal; and, the Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign medals.

At the time of his death Marine Lance Corporal Jacob Meinert was survived by his father Brian Warzala; his mother Krista (Michael) Edquist; sister Randi Meinert; step-brother Mitchell Edquist; step-brother Larson Edquist; maternal grandparents Richard (Donna) Meinert; paternal grandfather Robert Warzala; paternal grandmother Darlene Warzala; three aunts, Michele (David) Breheim, Sheryl (Bob) Petersen, and Pam (Nathan Schulz) Warzala; his uncle Ben Warzalaand; and, family dog Bosco.

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jacob A. Meinert was laid to rest with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.

Information for this short biography about Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jacob Alexander Meinert was pieced together from the following sources: Wisconsin State Journal, "Family, friends mourn Fort Atkinson Marine," January 12, 2010; Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Marine from Fort Atkinson killed by bomb in Afghanistan," January 11, 2010; journaltimes.com, "Marine who grew up in Racine killed in Afghanistan," January 11, 2010; journaltime.com, "A final note: Marine's note home was last goodbye," January 12, 2010; Daily Jefferson County Union, "Family meets plane at Dover," January 13, 2010; legacy.com, "FORT ATKINSON - Lance Corporal Jacob Alexander Meinert USMC"; Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs “Fallen Heroes Page”; and, CNN.com “War Casualties Page.”

Note: This "Wisconsin Military Casualties Afghanistan Iraq Compilation" Daily Dadio blog Category is under construction. Go to the Cooldadiomedia Web site and the Wisconsin War Casualties Page for a list of names noted by date of death.
[ If readers know of other military service persons with Wisconsin connections that are not on the Web site comprehensive list of fatal casualties, or notice errors, please email Bob Keith at keithrg13@cooldadiomedia.com ]

Friday, July 11, 2014

White Oak -redux- - Janesville - Friday Night Fish Fry

11 July 2014

White Oak -redux- - Janesville - Friday Night Fish Fry

This entry was posted on 7/11/2014 1:30 AM and is filed under Taverns Wisconsin, Friday Night Fish Fry, and Friday Night Fish Fry - book version

Recently ol' Dadio has been bunkered in the Janesville area due to another one of life's many setbacks.  But, not to be undone by "setbacks," via experience Dadio keeps a lot of Aces up his sleeves.  And Friday night fish frys are no exception to the rule.  Dadio will not be denied his damn fish ritual. 

About three miles from my house in Janeville, Wisconsin, right near the corner of Parker Drive and Centerway Street in down town Janesville, is the White Oak. The restaurant is strategically located just around the corner from the main drag in town which is usually thought to be Milwaukee Street. Around another corner is the Farmer's Market on Main on Saturday mornings. And, poetically, the Rock River runs a block away. 

I used to work down town and drive by the place every day.  Nowadays, the company I work for has me in their edge-of-town facility.  None-the-less, I do a lot of writing in an old tavern just down the street from White Oak.  Friday nights, I pack up my computer and head for fish. 

On the front side of the building you will notice some military crests. It is inside that you get the timbre of the theme. The bar and seating area are decked in a menagerie of mostly Korean War memorabilia. 

This is an old time fish fry presentation. It will start out with a prompt presentation of a basket with ample slices of uber-fresh hot bread.  A cup of whipped butte will accompany the bread.  

You get a good baked potato. And I mean one that is cooked right - steam'n hot in foil.  It reminds me of the ones we cooked on the farm. It almost had a twice-baked flavor. You can also get fries. A cup of fresh sour cream comes too. The cole slaw is diced into small pieces. It also reminds me of Mom's home-made cole slaw we ate on the farm.

As always, this Friday they offered either fried Cod, Perch, or Catfish. I have had them all at one time or another. I had a hanker'n for Catfish this fine evening. Two giant slabs were crisp on the outside, tender and hot on the inside. It looked and tasted like fried Catfish should. And, no bones what so ever. 

The tarter sauce tasted smooth and also home made. If you desire, one extra piece of fish is included if you are still hungry. With a PBR and a 20-percent tip I got out of there for a minimal re-numeration.

One last note, the silverware is spotless. And, I love the white porcelain-esque plates, cups, and dishes.  It just fits the whole theme of the old favorite eatery and watering hole. 

White Oak is cool with Cool Dadio. 

White Oak is a well known local spot so give yourself extra time during peak fish hours in the evening in case you have to wait a bit. But even so, they are pretty quick. Call (608) 756-4070 for more details. White Oak can be found at 429 North Parker Drive in down town Janesville, Wisconsin. 

{ 12 October 2007 White Oak fish fry review }  WordPress backup

Note: You can find a chronological list at the Cool Dadio Media Fish Fry Page of these fish frys as we have visited them. The list presents the most recently visited fish fry at the top, in lieu of alphabetical order. 

Note: This Friday Night Fish Fry book version includes some of my favorite Southern Wisconsin fish frys after a revisit - a redux as it were. You can find all the fish fry reviews at the Cool Dadio Media Fish Fry Page. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Janesville, Wisconsin's, Fourth Estate of it's economic misery

Janesville, Wisconsin's,  Fourth Estate of it's economic misery.  

The odious governmental supplemental.  What right wingers call, "entitlements."  

Last week I pontificated about the undercurrent of worker frustration in Janesville, Wisconsin, in a rant entitled, Janesville, Wisconsin, "new norm" underemployed prison city with invisible fence of steel.  

In said literary masterpiece, I mentioned the "new norm" (if the last 25 years is considered new) top industries in Janesville.  The number one industry if you will, is health care (sick people). Number two industry? Public schools (Taxes). Also, number two facilitates Janesville's biggest export..., its children after graduation, to other cities, states, and countries to find jobs. And the third industry? Well of course it is taverns and fast food (drunks and fat people).

I was remiss in not mentioning our fourth estate of economic misery in Janesville not to mention and let alone, much of rural America - The odious governmental supplemental.  What right wing's call, "entitlements."  

But, in another piece just yesterday where I excoriated businessman and writer John Torinus for his perennial apologies for our lousy Wisconsin economy,  where I add the fourth estate of economic misery in my chiding of Torinus.  

In short, just off the top of my head, governmental supplementals could include the following: Child Support, Aid for Families with Dependent Children (W-2), Food Stamps, Unemployment, Disability, Veterans Benefits, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. 

The above list is a short list of money given to people with various needs. I am sure the list is incomplete.  

If it were not Social Security and Medicare, my mom would have lost here house in her old age.  Be that as it may, it is an example of how these governmental funds are a large part of the economy.  And, as various factions try to chop away at all of the above, with each falling chip less money flows into the economy.  Our paper thin leaders tend not to like to talk about that aspect of governmental help to people in need.  
The prevailing wisdom and conventional wisdom of pontificators who spew verbal vomit about what ska-flaws people are that receive this help, is disturbing.  Working in the underclass myself, I am surrounded by people who receive help.  They ain't liv'n the high life oh great pontificatiors

It intrigues me that a Neo-Ayn-Randian-Libertarian like Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan will receive much of his votes from the electorates that receive funds from the above categories of governmental aid.   Ryan of course, has spent years honing the dismantling of the above government help. He has made rocket science out of his task of grinding people in need into the dirt. 

Just a sidebar; Ryan's First Congressional District in Southern Wisconsin, has perennially had some of the worst unemployment in United States.  The peeps just keep him com'n back. Hell, they almost elected him Vice President of the damn country a couple years ago. 

Suckers! Word on the street is Ryan's own mother got governmental help to raise his ass as a kid.  You good citizens will no doubt re-elect him this fall yet again. 

Kiss your stipends good-bye?

Here in economically beleaguered Janesville, the Fourth Estate of the economy is part of a quad-economy that is here at least, a big deal.  And, the fact that it is such a big deal is a commentary on just how bad Janesville's prospects for economic vitality really are. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tired Wisconsin perennial job rhetoric monotone

John Torinus has been pontificating from on high for years about the Wisconsin economy; he has positioned himself as an apologist for said economy; and, even acts as a facilitator of a rotten Wisconsin economy. Been doing it for years..., and, mostly in an impotent, monotone. He seems to have a free pass on media portals.  Be that as it may, several years ago I commented on one of his essays found on WisOpinion.com.  It was during the collapse of our economy in the "Great Recession." It must have been around 2009 or so..., long after the real start of the economic decline for most of us. He was prattling on about retraining workers bla..., bla..., blaa..., or some such similar myth that would surely fix the wrecked economy.  I responded that no amount of retraining will fix the phenomena of America discarding its 50 year old seasoned workers for new cheap frontiers in China.

Torinus replied, "Let's talk."  He never recontacted me.  

John Torinus is still at it.  Like Rush Limbaugh, who you can tune into anytime and hear hints of the same rant he had decades ago, Torinus too, just keeps shoveling the same theme over time. His latest masterpiece: " Enough with campaign bickering on job creation . "

In his latest banal offering, he meanders on about Governor Walker's hapless 250,000 job pledge and candidate Mary Burke's tactic of sniping at it. He talks about how job repair is a long term effort and beyond just promises and sniping about them. He then goes on to casually quote the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) which discusses how sending jobs to China may just have been a failure regarding our economy.  Disturbing, considering his own company sent jobs to China over the long term.  And, Walker's effort has been abysmal, and Burke's own company sent jobs to China.  Seeing a pattern here?  

The above trifecta ain't fix'n jack. 

Torinus talks about how Wisconsin is 37th in job growth like it is new news. It is a bleak reality that us who are languishing in the underclass, gave up on a couple years ago. 

In a follow up comment, he calls for talking up our eclectic Wisconsin weather to say:

      "My own view is that we can keep a good percentage of the young hot shots [in other words snow boarders] if there are great jobs here. [but John, you sent your great jobs to China] Most people move for careers, not the place. Look at the people flocking to North Dakota for energy jobs." [John..., the beleaguered souls flocking to North Dakota are..., desperate folks, hoping for one last chance.]

The above diatribe relates back to my complaint about Torinus years ago - he is singing the praises of young hot shots while discarding seasoned older Wisconsin workers - hypocrite. 

Torinus calls for action and the creation of committees to fix Wisconsin rather than Gubernatorial campaign bickering.

Unable to resist jabbing ol' Torinus in the literary eye, I wrote him a comment: 

       "Moving a giant segment of our economy overseas, fighting perennial wars, and twice and possibly trice electing the most contentious Governor in decades, has destroyed an entire layer of Wisconsin life, culture, and its people / workers. I find your casual chit-chat about it disturbing at best. There is an entire sub-culture in Wisconsin that lives the truth. To this huge sub-group, health care (sick people) is our number one industry now. The export of our children after graduation (education) to better states and countries for work, is our second industry. Our third dominant industry is fast food and alcohol (over-weight people and drunks). And the fourth estate is the economy of government supplemental income (child support, food stamps, unemployment, disability, and social security). Wafting through it all for years has been non-benefit, service industry, part-time work, for said huge sub-culture. You guys can pontificate from on high, but to many of us locked in this hell now probably for the rest of our lives, your words are hollow. I would not move a company or risk moving to a state for a job with such a long-term institutionalized bleak timbre and economic template."

I am sure ol' John does not lose a minute of sleep regarding his apologist role now nor back when I called him out five years ago...,and if history repeats itself as it always does..., five years from now..., Torinus will still be merrily singing the same tired tune. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Vietraq..., Iraqnam..., banal service economy Janesville, Wisconsin, finds little relevance

8 July 2014

So Iraq is in flames this summer of 2014.  According to the the many news outlets, a "bunch" representing an off-shoot of Al Qaeda has taken over a third of Iraq.  If you believe our government, America has sent 300 military personnel back to Iraq to shore up the floundering Iraqi government and to protect our billion dollar embassy there.

Did I say that right? Just 300 military personnel?

Iraq III goes out with a whimper? Probably not at least for the 300 American military souls assigned the task of fixing it. 

I don't know if I am qualified to pass judgement, but Iraq is the size of California.  So we send 300 people to sort it all out?  A country of Iraq by the way, it took 250,000 military personnel in the first war in '90-'91, and 175,000 military personnel in the second war '30-'11, to only marginally control. 

And what of the trillions of dollars we have spent there since 1990? That's right, 1990. Has everyone forgotten the "first, Gulf War?"   I am thinking that several trillion dollars could have provided state-of-the-art health care for every American for 20 years.  

While people here in banal Janesville, Wisconsin, struggle to makes ends meet, still in the throes of "The Great Recession," they can pop on the boob-tube and watch former American and Iraqi Army equipment and weapons captured by and being used by the bad guys, the ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria), to facilitate the deconstruction of current Iraq.  While eating chips and dip in front of Satellite TV, the peeps can watch the carnage in Iraq and distract themselves from an America slipping into Second World Status (a poor police state country with nukes).  They languish with daily budgets like paying for..., health care.

These aforementioned Janesvillians do their toils as their state of Wisconsin, under the tutelage of an arguably inept Governor, slumps into a Great Depression rubric, but with cell phones, Internet, and dish tv.  The said Gov is convinced he is Presidential material. Looking back now, maybe he is. 

And looking back then, always a perilous activity, what of the perps that facilitated the many wars in Iraq. Father George H.W. Bush, American President during the first Gulf War jumps out of air planes in his 90s.  George W. Bush, the son, American President during the U.S.'s second war over there, paints pictures of world leaders while he is bunkered in his fancy house in Dallas, Texas.  For six years Barak Obama, the organizer, and the American President who inherited, "Iraq," fretted about health care and finally declared, "If you ain't got it, we will penalize you."  He pulls all Americans out of Iraq.  The "pugnacious" and 1960s Military Draft-dodging Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense in the First Gulf War, and Vice President during the Iraq War levies criticisms of Obama, as said Dick enjoys his new heart.  He's got some health care from somewhere.

And, the peeps? Did I mention the peeps? Working in an entrenched service economy America, and languishing with the simplest personal budgets.

New information added in the last paragraph (a basic composition class no-no) :

How convenient it has been to forget the American Vietnam War and all its hell done to our economy, our Veterans, our nation, and to the people of Vietnam.  I remember the news on the aforementioned boob-tubes in 1975 showing the bad guys overwhelming the country we had just spent over 20 years dumping billions of dollars into..., and soon after the communists took the country, America slipped into the "Misery Recession" of the late '70s and early '80s. Many of the Cold War American military families had to go on Food Stamps.

The end of Iraq is eerily like the..., end of our Vietnam War..., trillions of $ down the dumper; thousands of Americans, Vietnamese, and Iraqis dead and wounded from both wars. Lives ruined for ever.  We learned nothing as a nation.  

We "learn" nothing as a nation. 

Vietraq...., Iraqnam..., surely it's just my imagination run a muck...,

...,banal service economy Janesville, Wisconsin, finds no correlation. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic

7 July 2014

Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic

Posted by Bob Keith in category Dadio's Lunch Bucket

A little over six months ago it came to my attention that some folks in Janesville, Wisconsin, were starting up a new "community" radio project.  It would be dubed Janesville Community Radio. They were seeking host and volunteers et cetera.  Not being able to walk well anymore, I need a sit down hobby. Having done a tid-bit of radio before, and having enough media material from my Web site and blogs to do two years worth of show, I gave them a jingle.  Long story short, I was asked to start the next day.  

So far it has been Internet based.  Licenses have been applied for, plans have been drawn up, and if it actually ever does go on FM radio, the call numbers are 103.5 FM.  The project is to be a non-profit entity. 
The latest goal is to switch on the FM some time a year from now.  There has been studio wrangling; we were being donated a basement studio in a building in downtown Janesville.  The owner moved away and degreed he would need 250 bucks a month..., and oh yes, the doors are only open 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday.  Yikes.  My show, the Lunch Bucket has been camped out for a month at Jeff's Coffee Bar on the west side of Janesville..., pending some resolution to the studio kurfuffle. 

The Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic is heard live on Tuesdays from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Blog Talk Radio via the Internet.  The pod casts can be found on Janesville Community Radio Blog Talk; or, I preferr our own Web site dadioslunchbucket.com .  We are up to show 36 this coming week. 

Several shows have already come and gone.  Survivers include: The original show which has a taditional interview with local movers and shakers and personalities, Discover Janesville; an eclectic and comedy genre show, Open Mick; political show Civil Discourse; and, our own hodge-podge of all of the above, Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic. 

What's the premise of the Lunch Bucket?  Imagine sitting around at lunch break at the work site chewing the fat with co-workers and contractors.  

What's the word "clinic" imply?   We have had several remote shows, many from taverns and coffee shops.  Remote pod casting is a periless endevor at best.  If it can go wrong, it has.  Hence..., it's a radio..., clinic.  

What could possibly go wrong?  You need power; you need good WiFi or a hard line; you need mixers for the mics and the head phones; you need a couple good computers to pull it all off; you need an adaquate location to set up; you need guests; you need a couple people to set up and break it all back down; you need to do homework on your show plan; and, maybe most important..., you need to show up on time and every week - week after week. 

The Lunch Bucket crew has learned that wireless juke boxes can wreak havoc with a broad cast.  Mixers and power strips can be forgotten to be turned on.  Wires may get plugged into the wrong sockets.  Dials can be forgotten to be turned up or may be bumped out of whack. 

But unlike countless other well-meaing show ideas that have come and gone, the Lunch Bucket crew perserveres now for 36 straight weeks.  

Tune in live or listen later to the pod casts later.  Or, better yet, pop in to Jeff's and sit in on the show.  We always have four microphones. It's like starting a business out of a garage or worse yet, when we pile our equipment in my car, it is actually like running a business out of the trunk of a car..., and not getting paid. 

Here's some Web addresses with information regarding the Lunch Bucket:




Friday, July 4, 2014

Blue-collar new norm America: Dadio's handy manual to break workers' spirit - Keep'm Standing

4 July 2014

Blue-collar new norm America: Dadio's handy manual to break workers' spirit - Keep'm Standing

This entry was posted on 7/4/2014 1:31 AM and is filed under Broken spirit.

The production facility I work in gives me lots of fodder to put into instructions how to destroy workers.  The joint is a bottomless pit of tricks encompassing a gamut of banal, inept, and intentional, institutionalized methods to "break workers' spirits." 

Sometimes, I think I have seen it all in 50 years of working fifty or more crappy jobs in several parts of the state, country, and world. Many at the same time, hence, 50 in fifty years.  Often I have worked three jobs at once. But, then, when I think I've seen and heard it all, something is presented to me that has been right under me nose for years.  It just needed presenting by a different pair of eyes.  

One day I was chatting with a fellow from the apprenticed end of the building. Those guys are union and get benefits - insurance; vacation; sick time; lunch time; and breaks.  The production starts on their end and heads to us non-benefited rabble. 

Before the production started up I mentioned how I never used the break room as no sooner a guy will pop in there to sit for a minute and try to eat a sandwich after five hours straight of production, management, or a minion thereof, will scramble in to shoo you out and back to the production floor. 

The fellow I was chatting with has been at the place 30 years.  He quietly observes the nuances of the blue-collar drama without fanfare.  

He paused, smiled a faint smile and said, "Keep'm standing."  Then he said, "It's been in the game plan for ever. Transcends decades, management, and employee turnover.  Keep'm on their feet, it keeps 'em disoriented and disheveled.  Do it long enough and they don't even realize they're being conditioned."

Then he smiled that little smile again, turned, and went back to work and vanished into the shadows of his big production machines.

"Keep'm stand'n," I thought....., It's been right under my nose for years. Just couldn't put it into words. 

"Keep'm stand'n! 

Fuck'n brilliant. 

Note: This blog "Blue-collar new norm America: Dadio's handy manual to break workers' spirit" - book version Category is a work in progress. These original vignettes are being edited for book form. Go to the Cooldadiomedia Web site and the Broken Spirit Page for an ordered chronology of the book vignettes (chapters).

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Com'on Wisconsin Gov'na Scotty Walker, Dadio needs a different, and better, damn job

3 July 2014

Dadio (Bob) needs a different damn job segment

Almost a year ago I got involved in the Janesville Community Radio project. My show is the Dadio's Lunch Bucket Radio Clinic.  And like any start-up project..., their is a lot of begging. So, since we’re begging to our audience to listen and check out Janesville Community Radio…, and we are begging for a piano player and a bass player and an extra host for the Lunch Bucket Clinic, let’s beg some more. 

Since I basically have three part-time non-benefit jobs right now…, Dadio could use a different, better, and main job.  You know the kind of job; one that, is family sustaining. It is an almost t unheard of commodity in Janesville, Wisconsin.  

        The only thing Dadio asks, is that the job be something with a modicum of dignity. 

        Fifty years of work experience in a cacophony of work genres and venues, caped with four college degrees. Missed two days of work in tens years. 

       A dandy catch for any work place.  

      You can get the Dadio for a song. 

       Caveat:  Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, let's see you walk the walk, and get Dadio one of those 250,000 jobs you promised. Pull it off and Dadio will quit writing about what a dick you are.  

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Janesville, Wisconsin, "new norm" underemployed prison city with invisible fence of steel.

2 July 2014

Janesville, Wisconsin, "new norm" underemployed prison city with invisible fence of steel.

I moved to Janesville, Wisconsin, back in 1992 for a year after re-settling in Wisconsin from Texas. I moved to Madison, Wisconsin, forthwith; then, just south of that capital city to rural Green County.

My mother's cancer brought me back to Janesville in 2000..., been here ever since. Life has a way of doing that to a guy.

Mom grew up in Janesville for the most part. Moved away for years; then, moved back from my dad's farm in her retirement. Her own dad worked for Janesville's infamous GM plant. She worked for the city's famous Parker Pen company. Both gone..., GM packed up in 2008-9 in the Great Recession. Parker left in the Misery Recession of the late '70s and early '80s. And gone too, all the satellite industries that helped facilitate the two cap-stone companies and their family supporting jobs. What's left..., part-time service jobs. If that.

People here work crappy jobs as best they can. Many have silently fled..., slowly but surely. Not everyone can flee. I am 60, have health issues, and own a house. Hard to pack up and leave like one is 18 again. That leads to another variable.

What is left for commerce in the once industrial city is three-fold...., and disappointing at best, disturbing at worst. The number one industry if you will, is health care (sick people). Number two industry? Public schools (Taxes). Also, number two facilitates Janesville's biggest export..., its children after graduation, to other cities, states, and countries to find jobs. And the third industry? Well of course it is taverns and fast food (drunks and fat people).

When one is forced to work part-time, non-benefit jobs to get by, they start to slowly be deconstructed. They don't get sick-time so they work sick. They don't get vacation time so they never get a rest. They are essentially slowly destroyed. They never have enough money to make even the most basic life-style really work. There by, they slowly get in a rut of not having the seed-money to escape.

With gas at nearly four dollars a gallon, even a recon trip to a more vibrant state to scope out the potential could cost 600 bucks in gasoline alone. An untenable amount, for a person only making 165 bucks a week..., a 1978ish paycheck actually. And that assumes of course..., they even have a car any more.

People are trapped in a weak service economic self-fulfilling nightmare. Janesville's newspaper of record recently lords in an OpEd piece, that these low-wage jobs are entry jobs and people don't stay in them long - there's no reason to raise the wages.

Excuse me, but people don't stay in them long because the jobs are horrid with no dignity and their bodies are wrecked. And, people may leave those jobs if they are lucky and can actually escape Janesville. Others, like people over 50, tough out these jobs to make the few bucks they can. The "older ones" are not allowed to participate in Janesville's culture unless they volunteer their efforts for free. They..., when they try to keep languishing for that inadequate wage, are often deemed losers, by the normative driven owners of the message, like the local newspaper. Yet, those same struggling workers are sung praises when they volunteer for free.
Detecting a pattern? See an inept and misguided conspiracy of taking advantage of an already unfortunate economy? Can you notice the gleeful opportunists' use of the unintended consequences wrought by outsourcing our economy to third-world countries?  We have become a third world country ourselves.  Hey, we even like soccer now too.  A great subject for a subsequent essay.

But today, this is Janesville. A poster child if you will, for the dirty secret of America's and Governor Scott Walker's new economy. Don't let the handlers of the "official message" con the good people of Madison and the rest of the fair state into thinking everything is hunky-dory down in good ol' Janesville. The happy-talk message can get out of the invisible fence of economic decay...,

..., but, what is left of the workers are still imprisoned behind it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

GoDaddy shit cans millions of bloggers - techno fascists assholes meet Moore's Law

     Dadio moves all his writing to dailydadio.blogspot.com and dailydadio.wordpress.com . 

     A couple of years ago, GoDaddy owner Bob Parsens sold the company to some hedge funders / private-equity firms. Under Parsens' tutelage, it was a state-of-the-art Internet company; based, right in the good ol' U.S. of A. and with, their sponsoring of race car driver Danica Patrick.  But hedge funders do shitty things like move jobs to China et cetera. Although, apparently still in American, the company has slipped off..., the edge. 

     Go Daddy had a handy Blog rubric which could be used to link documents, pics, and pod casts to the said user's Web site.  As of late June 2014, Go Daddy shut down its Blog system leaving millions of subscribers in...., the fuck'n lurch.  

     When I found out about the change a'com'n, I called their once state-of-the-art help desk. There was never a wait when I used GoDaddy Help; they always happily solved the most mundane problems.  I pay for that luxury with my unlimited Web site.  The handy Blog system came with the deal, one for free and a second for a little extra fee.  

   This last or latest call to GoDaddy tech help went a little different.  The tech dude had a rube type personality.  He giggled when I complained about the abrupt and traumatic service change. And I asked if I might have my archives at least, to place on another Blog site. 

     "Ha, ha, heee," tech dude laughed like a pervert.  He then said, "You'll need to do a lot of cutt'n and past'n. Ha, ha, heee!"   I had originally understood several years ago the small fee was for archiving as well as publishing.  My face flushed, I cussed him and made some reference to GoDaddy being relegated to a left-over MySpace mess redux - simply vanishing.  

     I often spoke highly of GoDaddy.  No more.  I rip on them constantly now.  We visit their buffoonery often on my radio show, Dadio's Lunch Bucket Clinic.  Poetically, just tonight I saw a GoDaddy ad on the television.  

    What's the matter GoDaddy, got to do some damage control?

    These types of corporate shenanigans are typical of a techno fascist asshole outfit run-a-muck. Apply the neo-Moore's law, to an all too handy obsolescence, conveniently used to screw customers and people over in lieu of improvements.

     As so stated in the first sentence of this essay, Dadio will do his best to move all his copy-writed work elsewhere.