Thursday, July 17, 2014

Been thinking about the schizophrenia of FaceBook

Been thinking about the schizophrenia of FaceBook.  Recently I have become involved in a media venture (project if you will) that is using FaceBook as a main source of its in-house communication.  My interest is not in the choice of communication vehicles selected by said media project.  Instead, my attention is on the vast information vortex itself, and most of the World now uses, one "social media" portal, we all know as the aforementioned..., FaceBook. 

There it is in a not so tidy package: All your pictures; pod-casts; messages; chit-chat; rants; "selfies" and...., more rants.  FaceBook haphazardly throws your precious intellectual postings in some tired categories.  You can find your historical activities on the portal in a button well hidden from your main work screen.  What ever you post, more often than not quickly falls to the depths of the bottomless pit, an ongoing pile of postings from all your pals and not so pals.  It's down below the bottom side of the screen somewhere now - irrelavant in seconds as new junk appears from you and your posse ad nauseam.

I remember MySpace. The precursor of FaceBook.  It at least had more of an organized blog format. FaceBook on the other hand is just a cluttered junk room.

And too, I remember the angst when even before MySpace, blogging started on various Internet locations.  Media types said the legitimate news culture was coming to an end. And for the most part it has disintegrated.  I wonder what they think of the  worthiness of FaceBook? Now what is left of the "real news" often relies on those blogs and blog type sites, they once hated as news delivery devices. 

FaceBook is really just people talking about themselves, taking pictures of themselves, often talking to thin air. "Hey look at me, I just had my appendix taken out, I took a pic in the operating room."  

"Social Media" is such an Orwellian obfuscation.  FaceBook is anything but social.  It is a drunken buzz of constant bullshit, similar to what might be heard in a sports bar during happy hour. In a minute, the drunken patrons are on to yet  another conversation they will never remember. 

People bury their head is FaceBook all day on their phones. Primarily, because new banal information pops up constantly and old postings vanish below that screen forever lost in a pile of self indulgent crap.

hether intentional or serendipitous to Mark Zuckerberg, millions of people have their pie-holes glued to his portal masterpiece all day and night.  There is  always another "something" to check.

he infamous "Friends" phenomena; oh boy. When an old classmate or acquaintance pops up a "Friends Request," we usually "Accept."  But soon the reality sinks in that all this hype of reconnecting with ancient personal history just reminds me of why I left behind these people in my distant past and at some point had hoped I would never meet again. 

FaceBook - Narcissism meets voyeurism meets vicariousness meets obsessiveness meets envy meets relentlessly busy annoyances.

I wonder what information technology gem will belch to the surface and replace FaceBook? You know it's a'com'n. 

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